I plumed a shut off between my main system and my accessory manifold that will soon be joined by a check valve to prevent my secondary compressor from back feeding the main system. Outside of that can you guys suggest anything I do different or anything I did wrong? I wanted to be able to open and close our air door while the bus was off and this seemed to be the best way to achieve that. It's a 12v compressor that I'll wire into a switch down the road but the draw is pretty minimal so far. It does kick on way more often than I like so I've got to chase down a leak or three somewhere in the system but once I've got it all tightened up I should be golden.
I'm not in love with putting the pressure relay or the main feed at the bottom of the reserve tank but those are the only two free ports I have in the system. I could possibly run the supply from the compressor into the stop arm point on the manifold but I was going to try and use that for something else down the line. The other alternative I thought about was a nipple, a tee, and a shut off so if any moisture gathered in the tee I could bleed it off but I'm not sure the cost in parts would be worth it.