Using intake manifold pressure switch to activate transmission modulator
While investigating using a limiting wobble switch to activate my electric transmission modulator via the accelerator pedal, it was suggested to me to use a pressure switch instead.
The suggestion is to tap into the map sensor port with an adjustable pressure sensor. The pressure sensor adjustment would be based on boost pressure that is determined when I go to accelerate on a flat or going up a hill. Probably somewhere at 15 psi or above.
I like this idea because I don't have to run any wires from the rear engine up to the accelerator pedal, I don't have to mess with trying to adjust where the switch is in relation to the accelerator pedal, it's easier to adjust the pressure switch to fine-tune the electric signal and it just seems cleaner overall.
But before doing that, and living by The schoolie ten commandments, I thought I'd ask for some input of pros and cons of this idea.
As always, thanks for your time and knowledge.