Which Type "A" Platform Should We Choose?
Not sure if this forum is the right spot for this post but since we are looking for feedback on drive train and mechanical reliability felt the best place to start.
We are looking for feedback on which used Type "A" school bus platform to purchase. Our budget is $10,000 with some flexibility and would like to keep mileage at or below =/< 150k.
We are looking for recommendations on make/model/years that are diesel equipped and have a towing capacity of 10k and a tongue weight that can support =/>1000 lbs.
This is our first venture into the Skoolie realm and the bus will be used to tow a camper and serve as our scout vehicle for exploring surrounding areas.
Obviously towing specs are our primary consideration but reliability, ease of maintenance, availability of parts are also of interest.
We have ID'd diesel as the primary engine type since they are usually paired with an Allison or similar tranny and hefty rear axle, can easily handle the towing or internal payload and have longer life expectancy.
Any insights, suggestions and personal experiences would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you.