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Old 01-24-2010, 07:49 PM   #1
Join Date: Jan 2010
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Expert opinions on carburetors?

Can anyone help me figure this out? I was rebuilding my carb. because I developed a leak out the diaphragm area, and I noticed that my butterfly and the rod that goes through it were bent. "That explains why the choke sticks sometimes"- a real epiphany, eh?!
Anyhow, I called an expert, and he said to bring it in, which I did, thinking I could get an expert's opinion. Well, he recommended I replace the carb. I tried my diplomatic best not to throw his "expert" advice back in his face by laughing his suggestion down. Instead, I asked him why, to which he replied that it would be cheaper than having it repaired.
Well, I sought out his help, and now am not happy with it, but the way I reason it is that it's not THAT big of a deal, is it? It's just a slight mechanical problem? For one, the butterfly's not a very precision, airtight piece to begin with. For another, now that I know where the problem's at, I can fix it if and when I need to. The choke rod got kind of bent up (no biggie), and the butterfly's bent now, and it can cause the choke to not function correctly. Does this sound like it warrants a new carb. to anyone else? I think it's a classic case of a mech. trying to a person for a ride, personally, but I've been wrong before.
Any sound advice is appreciated.

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Old 04-26-2010, 10:04 AM   #2
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Re: Expert opinions on carburetors?

I also was having carb issues. I was going to buy another one like was on it but the 500 price tag turned me off. I went with a newly rebuilt holley 600. The company I got it from sandblasts them then redies them and then builts it for your application. Cost me 210 looks brand new couldnt tell it from a new one and runs 100 times better than the original one ever did. Has no govenor on it but not a big issue for me not trying to run it hard anyway. pulls way better going up hills and the gas milage increased by almost 3 miles a gallon now I get between 7-8 instead of 4-5 just a thought for you!!!
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