12-14-2019, 08:01 AM
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*** Diagnostic Computers for Skoolies ***
Hey Skoolie Fans, Just wanted to share with you some info on diagnostic computers for my bus.
I know there's lots of hearsay about electronically controlled versions of buses but I feel we have been taking the wrong perspective about them. Yes mechanical buses will always be easier to troubleshoot but if you have the right tools on hand the problems will be much less stressful to correct.
I have found a really helpful company. Diesel Laptops
I spoke with Patricia the tech rep and she and I found 3 different price points and levels of tools that I could use to repair my bus with out taking it to a shop for a code scan.
You can also preform shop only maintenance, such as forced regen and reflashing of ECM's.
#1 Top Tier for my bus is this kit. Universal PF Diagnostic Kit
Yes the price point is really really high but the resources and tools available are on-point for a owner who wants to free themselves from dependency from a diesel shop.
#2 No Laptop sold to you, you use your own. DieselLink with PF Diagnose.
This package is just the software and the DieselLink. You would still need the cables that actually connect to the ECM and some other programs that help you look up codes and wire diagrams and Tech support. Still a great tool but after all is said and bought you might have spent just as much as the first kit.
#3 This one is a very tempting entry option. CanDo Bluetooth Mobile Scanner
Out of all the kits this is my favorite...This one allows you to do many of the tasks of the Top Tier Kit but it does not have resources for codes and prints and engine diagrams.
As of now I have not purchased one yet. I am really leaning toward the Universal Kit just because I know that I will have another bus one day and I really enjoy the idea of knowing whats wrong with my bus if I do need to use a shop for major repairs. Just a piece of awareness and mind.
However the CanDo kit is still very capable and if I save enough for the Universal Kit I can still get it and save some moola.
So that's my rant. Really interested to hear what you think.
Off the work on the bus. Looking forward to seeing the comments below!
🚌 2005 Freightliner 30', MBE 906 6.4L, AT 2500PTS
12-14-2019, 08:10 AM
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Oh yeah watch the included videos...I am sure there is lots of information and options that I didn't include that will surely be mentioned in the short YT videos.
🚌 2005 Freightliner 30', MBE 906 6.4L, AT 2500PTS
12-14-2019, 08:55 AM
Bus Geek
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diesel laptops is a cool company.. i bought my NexiQ scanner from there..
as for software.. navistar gives away servicemaxx J1708 for free which will do code reading, injector tests, etc.. and can reprogram items like speed-limits, cruise control, idle timers and the like.. it wont do horsepower changes or critical parameter changes.. I have a "Version" of servicemax that will...
allison software can be had for the looking on various internet sites.. *Cough* m h h a u t o
same with CAT ET and cummins programs..
to upgradethe internal firmware on a Navistar ECM you need a legit subscription to NavKal.. which I have and am willing to update the core on anyone;s IH ECM I get in contact with..
12-14-2019, 11:44 AM
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For my mbe906 I have used the scangauge d. It works good enough for general codes. At some moment in the southwest I blew the computer controlled hydraulic modulator valve to the hydraulic cooling fan. Although the code on the cangauge was not exactly accurate it was good enough to get me to the point and repair it.
Werewolves ( forum member) lend me a Nexiq clone but I did not get enough experience with it.
I just bought Nexiq clone of fleabay but have not played around with it. For me the Detroit software and the Allison stuff is most interesting.
Later J
12-14-2019, 01:37 PM
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Which ever scan tool/diagnostic tool you are interested ASK if it will deal with proprietary mfg parameters. In the case of my Isuzu turbo diesel powered skoolie, ONLY the dealer level scan tool will communicate with the computer. Even so, it was worth it to me to pay the big bucks ($1500 or $1800 I can no longer remember) to know if I break down somewhere out in BF Nowhere, even Bubba will be able to figure out what is wrong.
12-14-2019, 05:18 PM
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Will any of those talk to MBE?
Originally Posted by cadillackid
diesel laptops is a cool company.. i bought my NexiQ scanner from there..
as for software.. navistar gives away servicemaxx J1708 for free which will do code reading, injector tests, etc.. and can reprogram items like speed-limits, cruise control, idle timers and the like.. it wont do horsepower changes or critical parameter changes.. I have a "Version" of servicemax that will...
allison software can be had for the looking on various internet sites.. *Cough* m h h a u t o
same with CAT ET and cummins programs..
to upgradethe internal firmware on a Navistar ECM you need a legit subscription to NavKal.. which I have and am willing to update the core on anyone;s IH ECM I get in contact with..
Thank you for the info, but will any of those work with MBE?? Maybe I missed something in your reply.
🚌 2005 Freightliner 30', MBE 906 6.4L, AT 2500PTS
12-14-2019, 05:22 PM
Join Date: Jun 2019
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I will look that up.
Originally Posted by joeblack5
For my mbe906 I have used the scangauge d. It works good enough for general codes. At some moment in the southwest I blew the computer controlled hydraulic modulator valve to the hydraulic cooling fan. Although the code on the cangauge was not exactly accurate it was good enough to get me to the point and repair it.
Werewolves ( forum member) lend me a Nexiq clone but I did not get enough experience with it.
I just bought Nexiq clone of fleabay but have not played around with it. For me the Detroit software and the Allison stuff is most interesting.
Later J
You know it's pretty cool what you can find on ebay.....from deep muscle massages  
To diesel engine diagnostic software, I'll take a look at Nexiq see what comes up. Thanks.
🚌 2005 Freightliner 30', MBE 906 6.4L, AT 2500PTS
12-14-2019, 05:29 PM
Join Date: Jun 2019
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I will keep that in mind
Originally Posted by ol trunt
Which ever scan tool/diagnostic tool you are interested ASK if it will deal with proprietary mfg parameters. In the case of my Isuzu turbo diesel powered skoolie, ONLY the dealer level scan tool will communicate with the computer. Even so, it was worth it to me to pay the big bucks ($1500 or $1800 I can no longer remember) to know if I break down somewhere out in BF Nowhere, even Bubba will be able to figure out what is wrong.
Ol Trunt,
Ja that was one of the many of the concerns on my shopping list. If I am going to invest in a kit like the UNIVERSAL it better be able to do proper diesel repair shop work without the annual fees....hopefully. I will reply to the emails I have from the DIESELLAPTOPS.COM customer service and see what they say about that?
🚌 2005 Freightliner 30', MBE 906 6.4L, AT 2500PTS
12-14-2019, 05:59 PM
Bus Crazy
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Originally Posted by DoxieLuvr2015
To diesel engine diagnostic software, I'll take a look at Nexiq see what comes up. Thanks.
Thanks for bringing up this topic -- it was a real concern of mine when I was given a bus with a 3126e /A2000 How do I troubleshoot this thing...?
If I was actually going on the road with my bus full-time I'd probably get this
It'd be like towing insurance to me...
I would consider getting just a software I could load to an existing scantool
or laptop.
12-14-2019, 09:20 PM
Bus Geek
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I havent tried to locate actual MBE software yet.. the Detroit Diesel software will connect and allow some parameter changes on the MBE engines.. DDDL (Detroit Diesel Diagnostic Link)... the afformentioned m h h site has some versions of said software.. the Detroit Diesel bus I will soon own is too early to have a computer so i havent the need yet to explore it...
Factory parameters require some form of software that has made it outside its normal "dealer cage".. most of these older engines from the 90s / early 00;s, paramter changes can be watched going through the J1708 link. and very few actually have Hashes associated with them.. so the software itself limits the change, however doing a direct write of said parameter nets good results..
some programs like navistar Servicemaxx Pro L3 have an engineering mode that navistar employees would place it in and change parameters over Teamviewer sessions.. these are pretty easy to Dupe and have forever access if you know what you are doing.. I believe CAT ET has something similar but ive only gotten a little ways into it as i dont have a CAT of my own or a bench ECM to tinker with..
12-15-2019, 02:20 AM
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Diesel Laptops are really good. We have a Texa at work. I recently used it to change my governor to 75 mph and while in there noticed it could do a fair bit of programming including how throttle input affects shifting. I also remember seeing Mercedes as a selection under Freightliner.
12-15-2019, 10:57 AM
Bus Crazy
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Originally Posted by cadillackid
some programs like navistar Servicemaxx Pro L3 have an engineering mode that navistar employees would place it in and change parameters over Teamviewer sessions.. these are pretty easy to Dupe and have forever access if you know what you are doing.. I believe CAT ET has something similar but ive only gotten a little ways into it as i dont have a CAT of my own or a bench ECM to tinker with..
(Looking for the emoji of anxious kid raising his hand saying "me, me, me!")
I will happily provide a 3126e test bed for you to hook up to and see what you can see!
I will even serve you fresh coffee on the bus while you're doing it!
It would be awesome to learn some things about my setup and what changes to it would be safe (reliability & longevity) to improve performance.
Just learning how to do a basic diagnostic health check would be amazing.
01-12-2021, 03:58 PM
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Originally Posted by cadillackid
diesel laptops is a cool company.. i bought my NexiQ scanner from there..
as for software.. navistar gives away servicemaxx J1708 for free which will do code reading, injector tests, etc.. and can reprogram items like speed-limits, cruise control, idle timers and the like.. it wont do horsepower changes or critical parameter changes.. I have a "Version" of servicemax that will...
allison software can be had for the looking on various internet sites.. *Cough* m h h a u t o
same with CAT ET and cummins programs..
to upgradethe internal firmware on a Navistar ECM you need a legit subscription to NavKal.. which I have and am willing to update the core on anyone;s IH ECM I get in contact with..
Hey, what's the version of ServiceMaxx that will allow me to change the horse power parameters?
08-10-2021, 09:26 AM
Bus Crazy
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PF-Diagnose...is it the best all-around diagnostic option?
Hi all...I know this thread's a bit old, but I wanted to get some thoughts from you techy gurus. Those of you who know me, know that I'm a fan of the mechanical vintage diesels...and I can diagnose or rebuild an old Detroit 2-stroke without issue. But these newfangled engines with computers are out of my area of expertise.
I have a BlueFire which I take when I pick up vehicles, but I need more detail for some of the diagnostic work I'd like to do here. I did recently buy a Nexiq (not a clone) and I'm looking for the most universal software option to pair with that. Is PF-Diagnose a good option? Is there a better one I should look into?
08-10-2021, 09:36 AM
Bus Geek
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I've never used pfd.
What you should get depends on what you want to do and what vintage vehicle you'll be working on.
You can't beat the factory software as it interfaces like it's supposed to and is second to none with features. If you're working on old stuff, you can find old versions of factory software that has been hacked for free/cheap from mhhauto.
If you want to code read and do some diagnostics, I really liked the 14 day free trial of eTechnician from nexiq. It was easy to use, worked well for simple things, and worked great with the nexiq usb link 2. You can find that hacked on mhhauto as well I believe.
08-10-2021, 10:39 AM
Bus Crazy
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Originally Posted by Booyah45828
I've never used pfd.
What you should get depends on what you want to do and what vintage vehicle you'll be working on.
You can't beat the factory software as it interfaces like it's supposed to and is second to none with features. If you're working on old stuff, you can find old versions of factory software that has been hacked for free/cheap from mhhauto.
If you want to code read and do some diagnostics, I really liked the 14 day free trial of eTechnician from nexiq. It was easy to use, worked well for simple things, and worked great with the nexiq usb link 2. You can find that hacked on mhhauto as well I believe.
Thanks, Boo! I should have clarified that the vintage stuff we have is old enough that they don't even have OBD ports...nor any electronics. But we do also dabble in 2000+ vehicles and it's those for which I'd like something which will work across a broad range of vehicle/engine options. I'll look into the eTechnician option and try the trial. Thanks!
03-07-2022, 08:24 AM
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To the OP, did you ever make a purchase on one of the systems? Just curious. I was looking for a scanner for my 98 International 3800 dt466e and was wondering, does the engine have to be running for these systems to diagnose/scan codes? Wish I could finance the 1st one!
03-07-2022, 08:48 AM
Bus Geek
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It doesn't have to be running to show codes, just key on with power to the ecm.
08-22-2022, 08:15 PM
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Originally Posted by cadillackid
diesel laptops is a cool company.. i bought my NexiQ scanner from there..
as for software.. navistar gives away servicemaxx J1708 for free which will do code reading, injector tests, etc.. and can reprogram items like speed-limits, cruise control, idle timers and the like.. it wont do horsepower changes or critical parameter changes.. I have a "Version" of servicemax that will...
allison software can be had for the looking on various internet sites.. *Cough* m h h a u t o
same with CAT ET and cummins programs..
to upgradethe internal firmware on a Navistar ECM you need a legit subscription to NavKal.. which I have and am willing to update the core on anyone;s IH ECM I get in contact with..
Hey Christopher, old post, I know, but do you still have this ability? I'm near Columbus and would love to upgrade my T444E to the 210-215hp level. Can you send me a message?
08-22-2022, 08:22 PM
Bus Geek
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I do have the ability but I’m in Orlando right now .. I’ve been here awhile and fly home tomorrow evening, not sure how long you will be in the Columbus area ?
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