Originally Posted by Dsuhoski
Thanks for the replies! I did go check the engine kill switch in the back and it is set to run. I was hoping that was the issue and it was an easy fix haha. All of the safety interlock wiring from doors and windows has been removed a while ago (started and ran fine after removing). Any other reason the dash warning and wait to start lights won't go out and let me try to start it? Here's a pic of what's lit up in case that matters. Also, the volt meter drops when the key is turned on, when it's off it reads in the green over 12.
The voltage drop is normal while the wait to start light is on. That means the grid heater is running which sucks up a ton of juice. When the grid heater shuts off and the wait to start light goes off you should see the voltmeter rise back up to normal. If the wait to start light is staying on for longer than 30 seconds it could be a bad sensor or relay. However, your entire dash showing that many warning lights sounds like a bad connector or ground somewhere.
You said the batteries are new - I would also double check that you didn't miss a wire or inadvertantly put a wire on the wrong terminal (I've done it a dozen times). Also double check none of the fuses attached to the wires in the battery box are blown. There should be at least one if not three in there.
Beyond that, unfortunately I think you're at the point of needing either a code scanner, or what I recommend a Nexiq adapter (or chinese knockoff) and a copy of Servicemaxx to read the codes.