Originally Posted by Flying I 365
That is correct. Best to crank then spray, small amount first as too much is indeed damaging and could vapor-lock the engine (doing more harm than good to the starter and engine itself)
I’ve had the bus engine vapor-lock on ether before (didn’t take very much either) and it bogged down the starter. The engine wasn’t happy and I had to let it sit for several minutes for the ether to clear out. Only did that once and told myself to not do it again.
That's interesting. My bus spent its working life in Buffalo and had an in-frame rebuild done at 120K, and needed a new starter shortly after I bought it at 158K. I wonder if the ether button got used a bit too much up there.
Regardless, I'm even more certain now I'll never use it. My bus has always started easily down to 30°F, and I have no need to drive it in colder temperatures than that.