Originally Posted by Gilligs/Crowns and Parts
"my PS is out" What do you mean by "OUT?"
Your Thomas probably has a massive hydraulic pump to run your PS and cooling fan. Just follow the lines/hoses from fan back to pump.
If you get stuck call me. Patrick 559 251-3814 or 559 513-9369
Or wheelchairbusproject at yahoo dot com
This is an easy one, don't sweat it.
Thanks Patrick
I mean the steering was acting as if it were manual. from what i could tell there was no irregular noise coming from pump. Last night i added around 1.5 qt ATF to the resevoir (thank you EastCoastCB) indicated and the PS resumed functioning, though I didnt road-test it.
Diesels are new (and i'm not too proud to admit also somewhat intimidating so far) to me, especially this FE Transit style in a bus that is new to me. I knew my way around my '72 Intl 392 to some extent. I just hope the learning curve isnt to damaging or expensive.
If you dont mind I'll save your number, thanks for the offer to talk. You may hear from me before too long (i have some wheelchair questions too). I'm just getting settled in a new place and will begin work in earnest on the bus this week.
I've attached pic of fan, it appears to run from serpentine, and i need to add separate belt to the a/c compressor also pictured (how, I have no idea).
Take care