Originally Posted by budbud7
I guess it was my fault by not making it clear with the repair shop to fix the problem. I had ordered the sensor and told him what the symptoms were. And he just installed the switch.
Yeah, if you provided the part and told them to change it, I doubt they did any troubleshooting to verify if that was actually the problem.
Originally Posted by budbud7
One of the mechanics said that perhaps the computer needs to be reflashed. Perhaps they just saw me coming with that clueless look on my face.
The computer might need to be reflashed or updated, but I doubt that is the cause or solution to your problem.
Originally Posted by budbud7
It could be a bad new sensor but as was stated it would need to be tested. Can anyone tell me if the oil pump will actually produce that amount of oil pressure?
There is a lot that it could be. You could have a mechanical failure causing the pressure relief to stick closed. That would peg a gauge quickly, but it's unlikely that's what is happening. Every time that I've seen that happen, they blew the seal out on the oil filter as well.
First thing to do is to check with a known good gauge to see what the oil pressure actually is vs what the dash gauge is reporting. If those two numbers are off, then you check the sending unit for the correct signal being sent. If all of that is okay, then you check for the same signal at the gauge connection. If that checks out, and the gauge has the proper power and ground supplied to it, then the gauge is at fault.