Just bought My 1st bus - 2000 BB AA CUM ISB AT545 - Tranny Question
Ok I bought a bus for conversion. I plan on traveling and living in it with my family about 6 months out of every year until ???
I want to learn my bus so I can do some of my own repairs, maintenance and at least have an idea what I might be talking about with future mechanics, etc.
I am finding out now that I should have been more knowledgeable before I made the purchase because I would have sought more of what would have better suited our needs. For instance it appears that it would be in my best interest to have an MD3060 tranny instead of the AT545 and probably a RE instead of a FE.
So my question can I replace the AT545 with an MD3060? I have talked to several people and local mechanics and no one has that answer for me. What do you say?