Originally Posted by banman
That's a good point.
My Thomas bus (different body than the OP's I think...) has a huge floor heater behind the rear wheels -- it's too fragile a thing with the seats removed to leave in what will be my 'garage area'. But it looks like the front half of my bus is heated with a floor duct running along the drivers side. Assuming I partition the 'garage area' from the 'living area' that should be enough to heat it...?
the Thomas FS65 could be ordered with many heater options..
most common was a left front driver console that included 2 or 3 blowers abd a single heater core..
1- left-side defrost
2- driver heat
3 - ducted heat - whuch ran partially down the side of the bus with vents in it...
the rest of the duct that looks "small" is just a chase for the coolant hoses leading to the rear heater..
the rear heater was an underseat variety with a single core and usually 2 fans.. you can move it inside from the garage area or take it out altogether and loop the lines at the outlet of the driver heater core..
if you are insulating your bus and dont plan to have people riding in the way back during real cold weather you may very well not need that rear heater...
other heaters your bus may have..
right-side Entrace heater.. it will have 2 or 3 motors and a single heater core..(( this whole unit was optional.. if your bus was bought in a very warm climate you may not have the right side system at all..))
1. right WS defrost
2. stepwell heat
3(optional) - aisle-heat..
in my own busses which are just stock insulation .. I need all the heaters (including the rear)when its really cold outside..