Originally Posted by Beeb
Um... Where would I find that?
Check the maker's web site, google, contact tech support of the maker?
FFR if you can't easily get such basic specs when you're shopping, good reason to strike that brand off your list.
Heavy batteries should only be bought locally, usually from specialist sellers recommended by the maker.
Buying online, shipping costs eat up too much of their value.
> endAmps (I assume I can find what that means and how to do that online somewhere)
Once the charge circuit gets to your target Absorb setpoint, check - at the batt - every hour or so how many amps are flowing as that "trails down".
If the BM's shunt is wired properly, you may be able to trust its reading, but verify periodically of a known-good ammeter, even the priciest gear needs occasional calibrating.
If you can get the mfg spec for endAmps, use that. Probably cannot, then use .005C, or .5A per 100Ah capacity.
The charge sources should all be adjusted so that Absorb stage is held, IOW do not drop to Float V, until after that endAmps 100% Full point is reached.
Then tell the BMV to reset its Ah-counter, and for at least the next few cycles it should be pretty accurate.
For more details, go to
http://marinehowto.com, and CTRL-F search for three articles with "battery monitor" in the title. Also AGM. Also Deep Cycling.
Everything to do with electrickery at that site is pure gold, worth repeated close reading.
There's a PP Donate button there, I chip in very regularly. He also sells great gear, best butyl tape on the planet, can order most anything, well worth supporting for all the work he donates to the community.