Complete rewire diagram (110 and 12 Volt)
A little preface...
We bought a 2002 Fleetwood Wilderness Lite 20N travel trailer for extremely cheap, because it had been in a fire. The structure itself was repaired and is sound, after some slight modifications. During this demo and rebuild I became aware how just how bad the electrical system had been rewired so I decided to rip it all the way out and start from scratch. And now here we are.
I want the system to have both 12v DC and 110v AC, running off a battery bank, shore power, and eventually solar. Through my research I believe that I have come up with a list of equipment and a basic understanding of why we need it and how it works, although i get a little unsure as to the wiring because I have yet to find a source that goes all the way through both systems and how they interact from start to finish. I have come up with this wire map as a way to try to make sense of it all, but definitely need some help. please have a look and tell me what you think.