Originally Posted by Justin4033
Currently working on a 2006 e450 shorty handicap. I removed the heater to do the floors and simply cut the cords and after I wired them back up and now it’s not working when previously it was. The only thing I could think of was I blew a fuse when all the wires where touching, which I have no clue where that would be located, there’s a fuse panel above the driver seat but nothing is labeled. I took a multimeter and tested the wires to see if any where getting power, I know ones a ground but only one was giving off power out of the four, not sure if it should be two or just one. Any ideas on where/how to find the fuse or did I just do shitty electrical job? Thanks!
A pic of your wiring connections might help us help you decipher the 4-wire connection?
First thought?
You removed the heater to install flooring but did you or how did you re-attach the heater.
Most 12-24 volt systems use the (heater in this case) frame of the appliance bolted or connected to the bus body/metal for the ground connection. But i have never had a 4-wire unit? to deal with?
Pics would help us help you troubleshoot.