Inverter Help
Hi all, I've been doing a lot of research for the electrical system and just came up with a new idea. I'm planning to use my old mini fridge from college on the bus which is AC. With other appliances and options I plan to have a 2500W inverter but having it running full time to power the ~150W for the fridge doesnt make sense due to efficiencies. I'm thinking I should have a second inverter, a 250W, to continuously run for the fridge. When wiring this up, does it make sense to run from the small inverter into the Breaker panel along with the 2500W inverter or just run straight to the fridge with a 5A fuse? Or is the fuse even needed since the inverter is overpowered naturally for the fridge and a surge of 5A would still allow almost 4x the operating amperage for the fridge.
If I should wire both to the breaker, would I just use the two IN hot poles, one for each? Would it cause problems if both are powering in at uneven power levels and then only the fridge is getting power? (Would I actually be able to power all of my outlets doing it this way but only run up to 250W before the inverter trips/before turning on the big inverter?)
Sorry for the sporadic brain as I type this.