Originally Posted by Coloradojeep
I'm running a 3000 watt renogy inverter charger. Everything works great, I plug it into my garage to keep a full charge when the suns not shinning. Never a problem. I just installed a 9000 btu mini split and it runs and opperates fine on the batteries and inverter but when I have the bus plugged into the house it trips the gfci in the garage and then I just pull from the batteries again. Any ideas? I'm at a loss.
Is the garage GFCI a 15Amp or 20Amp rated device?
(embossed into the GFCI's plastic)
Is the amperage of AC's start up demand greater than 80% if the device's rating?
(view AC nameplate rating or use an amp clamp)
Also verify that the Earth Ground is not bonded to the Neutral at any point beyond the gfci.
(to verify, use an ohm meter. compare the gnd to the neut.)
You will be testing the whip, that is, the male side of the cord that is attached to your rig. On the plug, touch one of the ohm meter's leads to the neutral (the wide prong), the other lead is attached to the ground (the round prong). If you receive an audible tone, the neutral & ground are bonded inside your rig.
Pro Tip:
All outdoor receptacals (especially campgrounds) ought to be GFCI protected. If the electrical system does not function properly at your home GFCI, it will likely experience the same difficulties at any GFCI.