Solar and alternator charging at the same time
Hi all, just wanted to make sure I wasn't about to do something stupid.
I have been browsing the various packages on AM Solar's website as inspiration for my own battery system, and one of the things I noticed is they had setups where there was an alternator charge source connected to the house batteries through a battery isolator, as well as the solar charge controller, which was also connected to the house batteries.
My question is, what happens when the alternator is running and the solar charger is also providing output? Is that a problematic situation? I don't actually have solar panels yet, I'm using a shore powered DC power supply for now until I get my exterior painting done, at which point I'll start thinking about panels. So currently I just run the shore DC charger into the solar charge controller, which works great. I have a BlueSea SI-ACR ready to go for alternator charging, but I wanted to verify the connectivity before I set it all up.