I would start reading and using YouTube university.
You simply don't CURRENTLY have the needed knowledge to put together an effective AND SAFE system.
Not to worry though, lot's have figured it out before you after starting right where you are.
I would recommend going to a HAM club website that has training presentations....HAM's learn basic electroncis and that's some of the basics you need..... like AMPS, CURRENT, VOLTAGE, and how they interact via ohms law. Basics about switches and relays, transformers, and all that fun stuff.
I'd try out CareHamRadio.com and go to their presentation on "basic electronics". Unless you want a HAM license the rest doesn't much cross over.
Pay particular attention to ohms law and the power equations. These will help you determine how much power you need and help with getting it safely to the use point.
YouTube: HAMSkoolie WEB: HAMSkoolie.com
We've done so much, for so long, with so little, we now do the impossible, overnight, with nothing. US Marines -- 6531, 3521. . . .Ret ASE brakes & elect. Ret (auto and aviation mech). Extra Class HAM, NAUI/PADI OpenWater diver