Originally Posted by jfmusic@me.com
And want to create a recirc shower setup.
This I'm not sure how much help I can be with. I don't like the designs I see online for these, it seems like you're one tiny step from gross and nasty in the shower, the last place I'd want it.
If I were designing a shower with the aim of conserving water, the components list gets long and complicated enough that I think I'd just be better off with a bigger tank. 90 gallons grey lasts us quite a while. We just upgraded to a macerator toilet and so the 40 gallon black is feeling a bit tight.
Originally Posted by jfmusic@me.com
And Need for drinking water etc.
I would use reverse osmosis, full stop. I hear you about $700, but its what you put in your body. Drinking water, I think is reasonable to invest in.
We use the Waterdrop G2:
1:1 drain ratio is pretty good... The waste line drains back into fresh so nothing really is wasted. It goes to its own faucet and to the fridge for ice. Downsides- it needs power, specifically 120V AC.