Maybe Gyre could chime in here with an update since I noticed his reference to using the tanks I was considering.
The tanks I have in mind are from Tractor Supply ... ank-35-gal
I want to use them as fresh, grey and black tanks since they come in various sizes and the price is right. Since the lids are 5", I could easily fabricate baffles and insert them into the grey and fresh tanks. Then I would find an adapter to downsize the top hole for the toilet to black tank size. I would also have to create the drain connections for grey and black.
Has anyone else used or considered these tanks and feedback before my purchase is appreciated. This is a Bluebird 12 row and I planned to put black and grey under the floor but fresh water location is still up for discussion. There will only be a bed in the back so there is storage inside below closets, seats, cabinets, etc.