Water Tank Advice
So, I'm looking at water tanks...
And wanted to get thoughts on my plans. First, my bus will NOT be confined to the US or Canada. With that, I believe I need to have 2 fresh water systems, 1 for drinking and cooking, and the other for showering, cleaning, and dishes. (this is because the tap water south of the US is NOT always drinkable). I don't need to worry about black water since I have a composting toilet, whew!
There will be 2-3 people in my bus most times, including me.
I was thinking:
21G Drinking water
46G Grey Water
46G General Use Water
Now... the one thing, I haven't figured out, is how to fill the 21g tank from the 5g water jugs, the kind that are traditionally used for water coolers, this is how drinking water comes south of the border.
Is a 1 - 1 ratio of General Use Water vs Grey Good?
Am I over / under estimating the quantity of water?
Thanks guys!