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Old 04-23-2023, 06:33 PM   #1
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Join Date: Apr 2023
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Brake Press Light

Hello! I recently purchased a 2004 International 3000IC Type D 30ft bus with a DT466E engine. I've started the gutting process and recently had a weird problem when trying to start the engine with the Brake Pressure light. I'm new to all this, so I'll layout a timeline in hopes that anyone who has capacity to take a look might have some ideas:

1) I drove the bus home about a hundred miles with no issue, though the seller did say the power steering pump was identified by a mechanic as a potential problem.
2) I began demo on the bus and, perhaps stupidly, disconnected the interior lights and speakers and cables to the emergency exit windows. I later tried to reconnect the emergency exit windows the same way but I'm not 100% certain they're correct. I also remove some fasteners from the AC units
3) I must not have paid close enough attention to the parasitic battery drain and killed the batteries after just a few days, thinking that it wasn't a long enough time to fully disconnect the 3 main 12V batteries.
4) I purchased a new battery and charged the others and reconnected the array, and immediately the Brake Press red light on the dashboard came on along with an audible alarm. Before the key was even in the ignition.
5) When I went to try and turn on the bus, moving the key to the pre-ignition position didn't bring on any of the systems, and only made the Brake Press alarm faster and louder. The bus woudn't start, though I could hear a relay in the control box click when I tried.

All very bizarre,my first thought was I messed up and disconnected a safety interlock, but I'm not familiar enough with the behavior of those and would've thought that the bus would at least still start pre-ignition (idk if that's the right term but basically the dash comes alive and the gauges turn on). I'm hoping maybe someone has ideas before I call a mobile diesel mechanic to check out the electrical systems. I read that perhaps the power steering pump has something to do with it, but still... the dash gauges should at least come on, right? The brakes are air pressure by the way, and the bus was disconnected from the batter for about 2 weeks. I appreciate anyone's help!

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Old 07-31-2023, 05:29 PM   #2
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Posts: 9
I just had an issue with the Brake Pressure light on my 96 International and it turned out to be the electric brake boost motor, which is a back up brake system in the event my hydraulics fail. Not sure if you even have this system since you have air brakes, versus the hydraulics on my bus. Sounds like you have a lot going on in addition to this. Hope that helps.
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Old 07-31-2023, 05:33 PM   #3
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Thank you I appreciate your response! I should probably close out this thread with the conclusion! So after hours and hours of working on this with the help of a school bus mechanic that works for the local school corporation, I had a mobile diesel tech come out and figured it out instantly. One of the wires that went to the main computer was RED, and it was in fact a ground. Someone had replaced the black ground computer wire with a pink wire and when I swapped out the three batteries I mistakenly put it on the positive (BECAUSE IT WAS RED), which obviously did not work and caused all the other problems. We spent probably 20 hours total checking every fuse, every relay, every wire and somehow missed the simple and obvious solution. So... make sure you label your wires! And of course install a battery switch so you don't have to disconnect your batteries.
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Old 07-31-2023, 10:19 PM   #4
Bus Crazy
Join Date: May 2018
Location: topeka kansas
Posts: 1,819
Year: 1954
Coachwork: wayne
Chassis: old f500- new 2005 f-450
Engine: cummins 12 valve
Rated Cap: 20? five rows of 4?
Thank you

For posting the solution!

Helps others down the line — maybe not repeat the same problems.

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brake pressure, international 3000, wiring

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