Hi Sinamonster. It is normal to be nervous, don't sweat it. After all, how many people go out and buy a bus? Wait till you actually buy it and start tearing it apart. There are many good people on here that would be happy to help you along the journey. Just make sure you start with a good bus. It just boils down to time, money and inspiration. The great part is that you can build it your way. I've lost a lot of sleep just thinking how I want to do something and I'm not near done yet. Be forewarned it is going to be a lot of work. It will also be worth it in the end. Just look at some of the beautiful results on here. It is a great adventure, enjoy it and good luck. Oh yeah, and ask lots of questions. There are many very knowledgeable people on here with the right experience. Whatever you want to do many have been there, done that and they will be happy to offer advice.
Hopeless Busaholic!