Dreaming of my future schoolie while getting back on my feet (literally)
Hello everyone!
My name is Morgan. I ended up following a bit of an odd path here. I had been doing a fair bit of backpack travel for the past few years and was loving it. While at home, I was considering converting a van for shorter trips in NA, since getting around here is so expensive (especially in Canada, where I live).
Well, then I got hit by a car, which badly broke my leg. Add that to my existing health issues and I've been stuck in hospital/nursing home/bed for the past 2 months with no end in sight. I'm still holding onto the hope that I will be able to walk again, but that hope is starting to fade. I'm doing aggressive physical therapy and I'm a stubborn lady, so I'm trying not to let this get me down.
The plus side is that while I was bored out of my mind for 3 weeks in the hospital, I discovered schoolies! I like the idea much more than a van - more space is always nice and in a worst case scenario, I can manage in a wheelchair. I plan on using a bit of my insurance settlement to purchase a bus and convert it.
I'm a bit undecided between a short bus and a full size - My ideal is somewhat between those two (I think). Part of it will depend on whether I need to worry about a chair or if I will be walking - but I have time to sort that out.
I'm here to learn as much as I can - I know very little about buses, solar power, etc right now. I'm trying to absorb as much as I can through the forums and Youtube so that when the time comes, I will have a better idea of what to do.
I can't wait to get moving on this project but at least I have a lot to keep me busy until then!