My wife and I currently live in a 12'x24' tiny home in Hancock, MA. We've been here since August of 2014. It's been an amazing experience! Now we have decided to it's time to try the mobile tiny home and get some traveling in.
We have a 2001 Chevy Corbeil Short Bus. It holds 24 Children or 12 Adults. It is a diesel and has 194k miles on it. We have decided on the name Rufio (after the character in Hook), and by 'we' I mean 'I' as she got to name our dog.
It also came with an AC unit! We are very excited about this and definitely plan on keeping it hooked up.
I just started removing the seats yesterday. I of course had to use a grinder as most of the bolts were rusted to the point the nut just kept spinning. So far I have 4 of the seats out! Hopefully by tonight it will be all eight.
If you have any information you think is important for a first time skoolie/ the beginning stages of the conversion, please let me know!
Thank you to for having me, it's great to be here.