gus da bus
Hello all!
I've been lurking a short while on this site, soaking up knowledge on youtube, and other resources.
I was, at some point planning on getting a bus.. Just didn't expect it to be so soon. But as fate would have it I came across this find. I call him Gus. Gus da bus. Picture attached.. will have to figure out how to upload the image.. no doubt info on how to do that is somewhere close by.
It's a 98 bluebird with 138k miles, Cummins 5.9 24v and Allison trans. Couple unique aspects of this bus is that was built as a crew bus, and spent it's previous life ferrying fire crews, so no school bus warning lights or stop signs to live with, or remove and patch. Also it never had a yellow paint job, so what is there was there to start with and in great shape, a little TLC and it will be bright and shinny. A couple minor dings and scratches, but nothing that can't be easily fixed (or ignored). Even all the tires have full depth tread. There is even a tiny (emphasis on tiny) commode closet at the back with equally tiny fresh and black water tanks. This may help in getting the bus registered as an RV, but long term I'll yank that out and go with a composting set up. Another convenience when I start gutting the bus is that the seats are not upholstered, but are a fiberglass seating surface bolted to a steel frame. Must have been a brutal ride. It will take all of about 2 minutes per seat to separate the two, making it a breeze to recycle the frames, and junk the fiberglass. I'll be picking it up Thursday, and can post more pix then.