Hello & Road Trip Rig
Good day Everyone,
Hello from Alberta, Canada. Looking to build a rig that can go on road trips, car shows and pull a 28ft enclosed car hauler.
I am looking at taking a 1958 GMC short bus (22ft long) and making it into a road tripping vehicle.
Bus currently has a 350 with manual transmission and I am looking at putting a diesel engine with auto transmission in the bus.
With 15ft of interior space, I am looking at adding limo type seating in the back, a bathroom in the front behind the driver and a galley like area across from the bathroom (think airplane bathroom and galley) and then grey hound like seats to fill in the extra space.
I am trying to figure out the best diesel engine for this rig and would like some thing with some get up and go as well as good mileage on the highways and able to drive through the mountains without crawling up hills.
Any suggestions or assistance would be greatly appreciated.