Wow Manitoba sounds waaaay more relaxed than Ontario! Service Ontario was pretty chilled out about it, they said I need "4 out of 10" (or something to that effect) of sleeping quarters or a bathroom or a separate battery etc - from what I've glanced this seems similar to the States, and it's a pretty easy set of terms. Insurance on the other hand has been a NIGHTMARE. When I originally looked into getting a bus to use as a bus, I was quoted something in the neighbourhood of $23000/year, when I changed my intention to "conversion" it was still up around $3000 with every company that would even touch it, which wasn't many. Almost all of them won't touch anything that's EVER had a history of being a school bus, and that will be the first words out of their mouth if you mention the word "conversion" I'm lucky because mine is actually a "Transitliner" and it's VIN has never been registered to school use. I eventually talked State Farm into it, and they were okay for a bit, and sent me a policy (when I was only looking for a quote and hadn't bought my bus yet) so then I had them remove it, and they since refused to reinstate it. I went over their head to an ombudsman and have been reassured they're going to have to give me my policy back, BUT not until I've completed all the "RV" changes to their satisfaction. So even though I THINK I've sorted out my dilemma, I'm anticipating some back and forth and nitpicking and arguing with the agency about what constitutes a "kitchen" etc. So exhausting. But I'm optimistic! I've been working on these insurance battles and bus purchasing for two years now, I won't accept defeat
So that was my long-winded angsty insurance rant - I promise I'm otherwise entirely only filled with enthusiasm
If you guys have cracked the puzzle that is Canadian Insurance at a reasonable rate please send suggestions!
The bus I have (and need the back window for) is a 1991 Thomas "Transitliner" It has a rear engine and flat nose, so the rear "emergency exit" is a window, not a door, so it's shorter and wider than tradition back windows of buses.