Hi! Jeremy & I (Wendy) have decided to get a bus! We decided to move to Colorado a couple of years ago to fulfill a life long dream of living in the mountains. We started off considering a camper, then a tiny home, and while researching those came across some buses. Originally I didn't think we could make a bus practical for full time living in colder climates, but after reading about some folks who are doing it, it seems the perfect choice for us! We want to live in it full time for at least a year, with our 3 dogs, while we figure out exactly where we want to settle. We are excited about living simply and reducing our expenses. We are currently working on getting our house sold and finding the right bus. I'd like to find something partially converted. I am a little nervous about doing the plumbing ourselves. We also want to install solar and a wood stove. We'd like to be self-sufficient. We are thinking we would park the bus for a couple months at a time, try to find part time work in the areas we stay to get us by. We'd appreciate any advice or suggestions on finding a bus or places to park in Colorado (we are leaning toward the southern half of the state). I've been told diesel is better than gas and that an automatic transmission is better than manual (by a rafting guy who does some work on buses). It's an exciting, but scary move we're making. To go to a nomadic lifestyle for the next year is a big change for us, but one that I think will prove to be an awesome adventure!
Thanks for all the awesome information on this site! It helps me remember that this crazy scheme is doable!