Hello from north-central PA (think: home of the Little League World Series)!
So, here's my story. A while back, I met and married this awesome guy who spent the first 10 years of his life in Anchorage, Alaska. His family relocated to PA so they could be closer to grandparents who were aging. Our plan had been to stay here until he retired (he works for the state....20 year retirement) and then bail out and move to AK. Well, 2 years ago we decided we were not willing to wait another 13 years to move. We both really want to be in AK, so, we are now in the planning process for moving our 2 kids and 2 large dogs to The Last Frontier.
About 5 months ago, while doing some research on small homes and other non-conventional living arrangements, I came across a write-up about a guy who transformed a bus into an "RV". I read every post on that guy's blog and then Googled "bus conversions" and read as much as I could about it. After being armed with information, I showed my husband the awesomeness that is bus conversions and he was totally on board with the idea.
Our primary need for a bus is to use it to (1) get our family and dogs to Alaska and (2) also haul our belongings. We will only be taking what we absolutely need to take. Everything else we own will be purged (either sold or donated) before we leave. It would be nice to have the very basics in the bus: composting toilet, beds, places to sit, and a table (I
think that is enough to change the title to RV). After we get to AK, we plan on finishing the conversion so that we can use the bus for fishing and camping trips.
Anyways, that's my story in a nut shell. I look forward to learning tons here on this forum. I've lurked for quite a while, but decided it was time to register so I could ask questions and learn more.