Greetings everyone!
First off, I'd like to say that we are super excited for the adventure we are going to embark on, and from the very beginning of our curiosity into Skoolies I have found the input and advise from the users of this forum incredibly valuable.
Now comes the "Who are we." My name is Nate and it is great to meet you! My fiancé Marissa and I are a couple in our mid-20's that has been together since very shortly after High School. Currently we reside in the greater Milwaukee area, but we have both become bored with the routines of working 9-5 jobs while traveling on the same roads, seeing the same old buildings with the same old construction (We have 2 seasons here, construction and winter.) So when we decided we wanted to make a lifestyle change, we came across the Skoolie community and fell in love with it.
At first it was just a dream, until one day we were browsing an online auction site and we found the one. a 2001 Amtran International, 78 passenger 13 Window length bus. We placed a super low bid never thinking we would win, but whatta ya know, we did! Now there is no turning back and we are absolutely determined to make this adventure successful.
Our long term plans are to work on the bus over the next year. We aren't going to make it super pretty and perfect at first, but lay down the foundations and necessary amenities like Water, 120v, HVAC, etc. We do plan on living in the bus fulltime for at least a couple years, or until she is ready for children; whichever comes first lol.
So, now that we have become acquainted, I could use a little insight into some specifics. We are in Wisconsin, our bus is in PA. We need to pick it up by next week, but we have no idea regarding the laws in PA. I know that the seller is a dealership, but in Wisconsin you are required to have insurance and registration before leaving the dealership with the vehicle. I have insurance on my car which transfers to vehicle purchases for the purpose of transporting, and I already confirmed with them that it would cover a bus as long as it is a Point A to Point B trip. Would anyone be able to tell me if I'll absolutely need to have insurance and registration complete in order to pick up my bus in Pennsylvania? Or could we take a plane out there, pick it up from the dealership and drive it back without any issues?
Thank you everyone!
-The Peet Crew.