You have a very good, high demand engine. That Cummins 4 BT is worth what three Cummins 6 BT's are worth. It will always hold it's value.
Don't host pics on this site, use a third party image hosting site.
Photobucket is one of the oldest, and still the most reliable of all hosting sites.
Here is a link to help you figure out how to post pics.
All that info is waiting for you in the build thread section. I would start with threads over 20 pages. That way you will get passed all the failed builds that never go anywhere.
Asking questions will only get you opinions, not experience. The build threads will share the experience they learned the hard way.
If I can't see someone do it, I don't even want to hear what they have to say. People run their mouths far too much.
Glad to have you here. We always like to see one more.
We all look forward to pics.