Thanks for the warm welcome!
Originally Posted by allwthrrider
As a fellow AMT thats been in the industry for 35 yrs I would like to say first off welcome second RUN!!! 
Welcome to the forum, run from the industry. Got it. :P
-What kind of work did you do, commercial airline, corporate?
Originally Posted by cowlitzcoach
Your experience in AMT will serve you well as you convert a bus into the home on wheels that you want.
Contact me if you need help in finding the right bus for you.
Good luck and happy trails.
I'm sure it'll come in handy.
I've actually got my eye on this
Autobus THOMAS 1992 MVP semi-coach | autos et camions | Longueuil / Rive-Sud | Kijiji
I'll translate the pertinent information.
5.9L Cummins
Automatic transmission
Air brakes
4 undercarriage storage compartments
Block heater and ?coolant heater?
Well maintained, runs and starts like a gem but will need a bit of work do to rust at certain spots.
2 Spare tires, heavy-duty hitch and electric brake controller for trailer
AND a backup camera system
Reason for selling: to buy a bigger bus.
Apparently it belongs to a non profit organisation that helps kids.
4900$ negotiable