Originally Posted by Scott Marcano
not gonna make it down till the first of May or so, but hopefully we can all get together in the summer. I have a spot lined up in Beverly Hills Florida at Sandy Oaks, up around Crystal River. I'm moving back because I'm from Florida and miss the SCUBA diving.
I love it over there. My mom is in Gilchrist County and I have property in Morriston. Crystal River - home of the most manatees!!!
I'd also be up for a get together in the summer, after mid-July... right after the February get together I'm off to Nebraska, then Bali (both work related) then a cruise in March, China to deliver a baby in April, Texas for a conference in May then I am walking the Camino de Santiago with one of my grandgirls June 3-July 5th then 10 days in Paris then home... Until mid-September, when I'm taking the WanderLust Bus on the road for at least a year. Goal, hit up 49 states and the D.C..
Gonna be a crazy next couple of years!!