Hey ya'll from NC
Wow! I cannot say how grateful I am for finding this site. While I should be working right now, I've been doing nothing but reading the forums and looking through the photos.
I woke up one morning and looked around my house and asked myself why I needed all this stuff. At that point I made myself a promise. Research, research, research. Not only about converting a bus, but about the lifestyle. I have 2 kids under 11 (not full time) and a dog and a cat. How will these responsibilities affect this lifestyle? Will buying a bus just turn into yet another neglected project like my 1941 Plymouth restore? Will the house sell at all? Can I do the work myself? All of these things are weighing into my decision (January deadline) of should I do this or not.
I've lived on the road for over 10 years as an IT consultant. That means hotels, airports, rental cars and being away from home which now, looking back, was a completely wasted monthly mortgage payment. It's time to move on. It's just a matter of when.
Cheers to all and here's to a more simple life.
-Matt A.K.A. mowracer