Hi, I'm so excited to find this site
Hi hi! I wanted to introduce myself, I'm Chachi. I'm so happy to have this resource, I've been up late reading for the past week. I stumbled on this godsend while googling bus conversion info and wanted to view all the layout and conversion pictures so I registered.
I've been trying to convince my husband to downsize to a tinyhouse for a couple years now and wanted to "practice" in an RV to show him we could do it. But they're crazy expensive and not very customizable in our price range. I saw a skoolie on an episode of some tiny house show I'd seen and it's been in the back of my head for months. It's now officially the tiny house I want to live in.
Just yesterday I was looking at 40ft buses but after reading and thinking over some blogs, I'm leaning towards a smaller bus to "practice" on for weekend trips while working my husband up to longer periods in a smaller space. We have a two year old and will probably try for another in the next year or two so sleeping arrangements are an important issue to work out as that is one of, if not the largest use of space. I look forward to being a member and getting to know everyone!