Hello All!
I have been lurking around this forum for about a year, when l first learned the name "Skoolie." I have been "dreaming" about a camper of some sort for the past few years..and have come to the conclusion that a Short Bus Skoolie(SBS) would fill my wander lust on multiple fronts, and fit my inner creative drive. Also...the budget is much more realistic. I was leaning towards a camper van conversion for awhile, but like that a SBS offers more of what l desire for traveling. I live in Austin - TEXAS.
I have already learned some info casually lurking in the shadows..but am ready to be more concentrated in my knolwedge gathering.
Important for me is to learn what short buses would be good to acquire. Sooo...if you know, please share below! My modest driveway can hold a 27 foot short bus..l hope they come this size or smaller. If not, not a deal breaker..l just need to figure different logistics. I have seen some awesome short bus Skoolies here and on the net...look forward to adding mine here one day.
I am open ..VERY open to advice as to what bus or busses l should be considering. Please share your thoughts..l live details..so load me up!
Living in Texas, l appreciate that most vehicles from this state are rust free. Would love to find one that is from here or a likewise climate.
Well..I am glad to be here and look forward to helping where l can..but l think l will need more help than l can share at the moment. Thank You!