Hi there:
Just joined the Bus Owners League of Nations, or whatever you want to call this group of vehicle rebuilders and sweat producers.
Was looking for a cube van to cart my stuff across the country. And stumbled onto a bus instead. Something from my long lost inner wanderer drew me to this 4 wheeled conveyance and I became the proud owner with nary a look back.
Probably should have taken a closer look at what I was buying, but, alas, where's the fun in that! Still, I took the leap.
Have a 2002 F-350 SuperDuty Girardin 8 passenger (with wheelchairs) micro (mini?) bus with 7.3L Powerstroke diesel. Previously used as a service van with some home built rickety shelves inpace of the seats. So far I've started tearing out the shelves and turning their plywood into temporary covers for the windows to prevent my stuff, when I get around to loading it up, from damaging any of the glass.
Future plans are in flux. Maybe a mobile workshop, or convert the wheelchair lift into a motorcycle lift, or maybe a small residence on wheels, or maybe ... who knows.
Anyway, I don't usually post Hello's on sites but was somehow compelled to post here.
Nice to meet you. Who's buying the first round?