Hello fellow skoolies . Thank you for allowing me in to your wonderful world of school buses. I have been following you along for several years and have picked up great ideas and a lot of good information. I am most appreciative. I'm working on a 1980 chevrolett, wayne c-60 . I have a 350cc motor and a allison 454 transmission. As is seems with most projects my endeaver is slow going. I bought the bus several years ago but its only the last few years that I have been working her. When I first got the bus home I jacked up the frame so as to have the wheels off the ground thus giving me the opportunity to run vehicle when necessary. My next project was to find and mount five holding tanks under the bus . That seemed like a lifelong job . Still under the bus, I added a generator box a friend built for me. It now houses an owen 4500 watt generator. I finally located two twenty gallon Manchester propane tanks which are mounted on each side and centered on the bus. One of my harder jobs was putting a solid steel line in for the propane and to get it to seaI ! A solar battery box was built and placed behind and under the drivers seat. I still need to get my water lines added but some how its still on hold. Have done little on the wiring. Did get some cable run from the generator towards engine. Anyway I've been working mostly on the inside and that's another story in itself. Best stop motor mouthing... Thanks again for having my along for the ride . Later
Firearms stand next in importance to the Constitution itself. They are the American people’s liberty teeth and keystone under independence. — George Washington
Good story Newbie, unfortunately there are some here (ahem...posted below) that can't read and without pictures they don't have a clue what your doing.