Introducing the start of our Wacky Tangent...
Well here we go... off on a "Wacky Tangent"!
The wife and I about 6 years to retirement and wanted to do some traveling. I have been blessed/cursed with a wide variety of skills. We wanted to put those to use in building our Skoolie and, then, do service projects for folks in need during our travels. We have been interested in the Tiny House movement for years. Have studied tiny house and skoolie builds... ready to start our own. We both work full time, have a home, and 3.5 acres to maintain so the build may not go as quickly as I would like but such is life. Yesterday we bought a 1991 Blue Bird, 66 passenger, 33' long, Cummins/Allison, 116k miles, great tires, and no rust from a local school district. I have set up an IG account to document the build @WackyTangent if you would like to follow along.
Let the fun begin!