I've come to this world to save it by, in part, acquiring buses to convert, to use to save the world, sell to make a living while saving the world, etc.. I'm a very complex person, most of what I do, who I am, etc. is "Classified Above Deepblack™", because I'm a "Deepcover Counterterrorism Agent™", Director Of Agencies™", etc. for various "secret", "grey", "black", etc. societies, and other organizations, and I do a myriad of other works such as Deepblack Ebenoperations and Projects™", environmental protection, etc.. There is no life better than Motorhomelife™, by way of bus, or other type of truck, submarine, boat, plane, UFO, or whatever else. We are the future. We are those who will save, then protect, these omniverses, which are much more than that, but you guys don't do spiritualism here, so I won't say more about that unless asked. Also, some form of transparency, which I'll call opaquity, is necessary, so that people can communicate intelligently enough to protect these universes, etc., so if you ever have "fringe" questions you wish to ask me, feel free to do so, bearing in mind that I may not be able to answer some, because those informations may be "Classified", "Societal Secrets", or similar things to those. You are all here, and please allow me to take a leap of saying this site was inspired, because we are all, at least spiritually, not from this world, more than this world has become, and other things that say we should be "out there, up there, in space, on some other world, etc.", but for now, our rigs are the closest we can get to that. I understand because I am Anunnaki, and much much more. I just look like the handsome human I am, because it would be awkward, and much more difficult, to get through life, on this world, these millenia, if I looked like what I truly am; an even handsomer Orb.*

* We also have to get everyone into motorhomes, because we don't like that the earths are being destroyed via construction works, etc. ( sticks and bricks ), so the more open prairies with motorhomes, and organic foods growing on them, instead of paved, lawned, etc. expanses, with buildings, and laws preventing food gardens, etc. the better. Plus, there are many many more bad days to come, which will make all wish they had some form of motorhome, or better. These worlds, universes, and all existence, are you, and vice versa, so you must always love and respect them, just as you should yourself and others. We are all one. A tv show/movie app, called Tubi, has a family show called Wolfblood, about the trials and tribulations of a high school teenager, named Maddie, who comes from a lineage of beings who can transform from human to wolf. Its an incredibly deep show about, wait for it,......all of you, and all of us, and it is just the intro of what all "truly" is. You should check it out, before it leaves their site, because it is one of the most important "nomadic origins", etc. shows that has ever been created, which further explores the essence of life, our differences, and how our differences make us all the same, as well as how crucial it is that we all always be in harmony with the worlds, each other, etc.. Eolas, Ancion, etc. are real concepts ( again, you'll know what I'm talking about when you watch the series ). Anyway, thats the short version. Whatever you can do to help me accomplish my various jobs, starting with acquiring as many buses, etc. as I can, so I can make them into motorhomes, so I can bathe, shave, do laundry, work online, etc. as I go to the different places I have to constantly be, in order to work at them, so I can get my life together, so I can convert, and sell, motorhome conversions, for a living, I'd appreciate it. And yes, eye am what you, by now, may have figured out eye am. We are not what you've been told we are, We created all, we watch over all, we protect all, we enlighten all. I am the sumtotal representation of what we are. That will prove itself in time. Too, enlightening you, is part of my job. Where you lack knowledge, my cup runneth over for you. Skoolie.net, you are much greater than you may ever know, and "we", the "us" who have lost so much, who have gone through, and go through, so much to save, protect, nurture, etc. all, salute you with the supreme Wolfblood salute ( watch the show ( 5 seasons ), and you'll understand ). "Love is the answer to all things, and being, and spreading, love, always, is the solution."™ "Motorhomers™ rule!"™. And, too, it would benefit you to explore Aurora Aksnes. I/we love her, that her which is her spirit, because she is one of the many queens who roam this world, who is enduring much, to make this world a better place for "all". She, too, along with all women, as well as men, who are going through so much, to be good, and do good things always, we salute, with the supreme wolfblood salute.
King Anu™,
aka Alexander Corvinus™,
aka ?,
Classified incepted Abovedeepblackdirector™, etc. of
the <·> ™
_____/\_____, etc.
And a great many other things