Ohayo gozaimasu, Kasumi, and welcome to the
hijoshina bomei!
I may not be the best resource, since I bought my bus in West Virginia later to bring to Texas...
(Speaking of Ohayo, there are a couple of members, Cadillackid & Johnny Mullet, who are from Ohio, & can be a huge help with nearly any questions mechanical you may have)
Originally Posted by Kasumi
Hello. I'm Kasumi from Japan. I live in British Columbia with my Texan huby. We are very much interested in both converting and living in a skoolie. (We're considering on keeping it stationary.) We've been watching various videos on Youtube. Many of them suggested this website so we're hoping to obtain some useful knowledge here from you guys!
Here're somethings that we would like to hash out:
- Can we really do a bus conversion without possessing any carpentry skills?
- Where should we work on the conversion? Canada? US?
- Which toilet option would be best suited for us? Since at times we can be lazy, we're considering going with the regular flash option, but not the composting one.
- Should we take into consideration which area the skoolie is from? I heard Southern buses are better than Northern ones, as the climate is dryer and sunnier.
Any advice would be appriciate!
You can certainly get by with limited carpentry skills. As you progress, you will learn. Some by trial & error, more by delving into the archives here, to see what has worked well for others.
We also have quite a few folx from Canada who are very knowledgeable about doing a conversion there; particularly concerning titling, registration, & insurance.
It depends on
how lazy you are! Installing a septic system takes an incredible amount of work, when compared to the minor inconvenience of having to empty a composting toilet.
You definitely don't want a bus originating in an area where road salt is used in the Winter, due to the corrosion it causes!