Hi folks.
I’ve been lurking for a long time. I had to sell my 46 chevy bus awhile back. and now I’m looking to replace it. Does anyone know of another that might be for sale? She had a 235ci, and an unpresurized radiator, she taught me lots of expensive lessons. Thanks for any help.
There are still a few buses from that era around. Since they remained the same during the war, anything from 1942 through early 1947 will pretty much be identical.
And I notice you are in Utah. That is where I found my '46. Little town of Monroe at Mystic Hot Springs. When I went there (now 7 years ago) there was another '42-46 sitting next to the road going to that campground. Was a slightly longer version, maybe 6 windows (?).
No idea if it is still there or not but appeared to be in pretty good shape.
Other than that keep an eye on Craigs List and Ebay. Ebay is where mine showed up.
I see these busses on Facebook marketPlace... get connected with the vintage wayne, superior coach, and general vintage bus archives facebook groups.. I dont necessarily see 46 all the time but see late 40's to early 50s stuff come up.. seems quite a few are Chevy chassis with either waybe or superior body.. of course you have to weed through all the posts of later stuff too.. but I believe theres still some restorable units out there..