Looking for shuttle bus in Los Angeles
Hey guys, been thinking about pulling the trigger on buying a shuttle bus for about a year now. Finally got a few buddies to commit on a trip over thanksgiving so I'm gonna do it!
I'm looking for a smaller shuttle bus that I can turn into a little camper for 1-4 people, and have a few questions!
1. What kind of mechanical issues should I avoid? Obviously looking for strong engine and transmission, but is there anything else I should look for? Does anybody know a place around the Los Angeles area that I can get a mid size bus serviced?
2. Will I have trouble changing the title from a bus (if its registereted as a bus). Will insurance be an issue?
3. I've watched countless videos of building up school busses, but have not watched many about shuttle busses. Any good videos out there? I'm assuming most of it would be the same, but am wondering if anchoring to the ribs of the bus is as easy on a shuttle bus as it is on a school bus.
Really looking forward to becoming a part of this community and building out my bus, and having an RV that I can design.