I just bought a bus!
I'd post a pic but I don't have a URL for it (Really? I can't just upload direct from my image library like my blog allows?!)
I've called myself N'Om'Ad (short for 'No home Adam' but also neatly containing the word 'Om' which has featured prominently in my life of the last couple of years) cos I've been moving around for most of that time. I sold my house a couple of years ago after a pretty rocky couple of years and have been travelling, staying in ashrams, with friends and family, and working here and there.
I'm 51, a Brit/Canadian, currently in Revelstoke, BC, a ex-architectural designer, now timber-frame/general carpenter but a bit of jack-of-all-trades. I'm currently building a radial tread stair in Douglas Fir for a house that I helped cut and erect the frame for last summer.
I've started a blog which may or may not be of interest depending on whether you like stories about nothing other than strange coincidences. The first 4 posts have mostly been about trying to buy a bus but now I have one they're going to be more about converting her to my dream home on wheels - hopefully more dream than nightmare.
Feel free to read, comment, yawn, or block -