Originally Posted by karma8282
Hello, I am new here and to the whole skoolie world. looking for info on a "shore line" and on the install of an inverter with a toggle switch to charge "standard" batteries and then the batteries to power everything else (fridge, t.v and such) any forums or threads that would help that you can direct me to would be appreciated! thanks!
what is your energy source to charge the batteries? how and how often are you planning on using the fridge, tv and such? how much time daily is your energy source going to be providing how much consistent energy to charge the batteries? what are the battery specs?
I am no professional, but knowing this information would help understand what you are asking. I dont have information on a shore line specifically, but
thesolarplanner.com is a site that i found extremely helpful when sizing my PV array, inverter and batteries. Configuration is going to vary from application to application.
wholesalesolar.com is another site I found helpful. They have pre-made off-grid/grid tied "kits" essentially that are designed to be compatible and tested etc. You can size your systems' needs, and compare it to something similar.
There's an abundance of information there, I hope this helps!