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Old 01-28-2016, 04:33 PM   #21
Almost There
Join Date: Jan 2016
Posts: 72
Originally Posted by cowlitzcoach View Post
It would appear as if it has both a transmission retarder (which means it has an MT643R transmission) and a Telma driveline retarder. Both of which means you will rarely need to use your service brakes.

It has air brakes which is a good thing.

It doesn't appear to have much in the way of rust. That is a good thing.

Depending upon what is wrong with the engine it could be a simple fix or a major repair. Without more knowledge of what is going on it is hard to speculate as to what needs to be done and how much it would cost to repair. That is not such a good thing.

The rear gearing is going to give you some decent highway speed with some okay climbing ability. That is a good thing.

If it is at a scrap yard are they offering it at retail price or just over scrap price? Will it come with a real title or a scrap title?

If the price is reasonable I would seriously consider this bus.
How dificult would it be to replace that engine with the engine on the 1988 bus ???

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