Originally Posted by tsutton
I am trying to get an answer to your 3060 transmission question. Hope to have an answer to you soon.
A couple of observations:
1) THANK YOU! It was a semi-sarcastic question, since this is an issue that people have been banging their heads against the wall over for quite some time now. I asked knowing that it was a long shot.
2) Don't kill yourself just for lil' ol' me; I don't own a bus yet. I aspire to have a 40' rear engine pusher with a Cummins 8.3 and a 3060 in it, but so do about 3/4 of us here from what I can tell.
3) Please continue the pursuit of the question; there are 25-30 of us at a conservative estimate who would love to know this and would put it to use immediately. We know of one, count 'em, one member of the community who has done it by knocking on Allison's front door and politely asking permission, and several who have failed this course of action.
Again, thanks in advance for anything you can dig up.