Newbie sez hello!
Hi! I'm Griff, have read 95% of the posts on this site and finally got the courage to join. This site is terrific! I'll try not to bore anyone by rambling on, but what I have seen here beats any other site I've found!
I have finally achieved one of my dreams on Aug. 25, 2004, with the acquisition of a 1983 Thomas on an International chassis, unidentified (as yet) V-8 gas engine, unknown drive train, 117686 miles for $630.00 on Ebay. Bought in MA, drove home non-stop (except for gas) to NC with 3 very minor incidents, and am currently living in it. No, it not converted, although an attempt was made by a previous owner as it does have a toilet, black tank, sink, stove, and 2 propane tanks.
If anyone is interested I will go into more detail if prompted. Please forgive me if it takes a little time for me to respond as I only have internet acces through my cel phone, many time constraints, and unreliable signal. (you may have noticed me on and off a few times this evening).
Anyway, PREMIUM SITE, compliments and raves to everything I have read so far ( I will get to that other 5%), special note to Andybus9: your stainles shower base was pure GENIUS! You have solved one particular dilemma I was facing as I am converting my bus (named the White Elephant) on a knotted together freyed shoestring!
There, tried not to ramble, but did anyway, sorry & Good Night!
~(G)Q Arduously Avoiding Assimilation