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Old 01-26-2005, 10:21 PM   #1
Bus Nut
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Join Date: Jan 2005
Location: Off-Grid
Posts: 740
Year: 1982
Coachwork: Thomas
Chassis: IH S1723
Engine: IH V345 Gas V8
Rated Cap: 66
Newbie sez hello!

Hi! I'm Griff, have read 95% of the posts on this site and finally got the courage to join. This site is terrific! I'll try not to bore anyone by rambling on, but what I have seen here beats any other site I've found!

I have finally achieved one of my dreams on Aug. 25, 2004, with the acquisition of a 1983 Thomas on an International chassis, unidentified (as yet) V-8 gas engine, unknown drive train, 117686 miles for $630.00 on Ebay. Bought in MA, drove home non-stop (except for gas) to NC with 3 very minor incidents, and am currently living in it. No, it not converted, although an attempt was made by a previous owner as it does have a toilet, black tank, sink, stove, and 2 propane tanks.

If anyone is interested I will go into more detail if prompted. Please forgive me if it takes a little time for me to respond as I only have internet acces through my cel phone, many time constraints, and unreliable signal. (you may have noticed me on and off a few times this evening).

Anyway, PREMIUM SITE, compliments and raves to everything I have read so far ( I will get to that other 5%), special note to Andybus9: your stainles shower base was pure GENIUS! You have solved one particular dilemma I was facing as I am converting my bus (named the White Elephant) on a knotted together freyed shoestring!

There, tried not to ramble, but did anyway, sorry & Good Night!

~(G)Q Arduously Avoiding Assimilation
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Old 01-26-2005, 11:26 PM   #2
Almost There
Join Date: Mar 2004
Location: Fir Island, Washington
Posts: 83
New bus

Hi There , don't be bashful . tell us all about your bus. I am sure all would love to hear what, where and when and all of the things you have to say. What are your plans ect

Later, J.B.
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Old 01-27-2005, 09:48 PM   #3
Bus Nut
Join Date: Feb 2004
Location: Idaho
Posts: 448
Tell us more we love to talk buses If you have to pay a lot to connect to the net you can always type your message in notepad then connect and copy and paste the message to the board. I used to work in the IT field so I always had to do that when dialing up from a cell.
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Old 01-28-2005, 08:19 AM   #4
Bus Nut
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Join Date: Jan 2005
Location: Off-Grid
Posts: 740
Year: 1982
Coachwork: Thomas
Chassis: IH S1723
Engine: IH V345 Gas V8
Rated Cap: 66
The White Elephant & The Internet

Thanks for the interest, I will try to give some details as time allows. As far as cost, I am using Mobile Phone Tools by Motorola to interface my cel phone to my PC & the internet. I paid $30.00 for the software & cable. At first I was using Netzero for $10. / mo. with unlimited access, but found out that Mobile Phone Tools has an uplink that is FREE! Therefore I have no cost to access the net, but my transfer speed is an excruciatingly slow 14.4 bps., and due to my remote location, I often lose my signal.

Anyway, I have drawn a diagram of how the bus was configured when I bought it (I haven't changed it much yet), and I have also drawn the basic floor plan of what she is to become as time & $$ allow. The process is also slowed by the fact that I am living in it at the same time and have to work around myself and my living area. I'm not very savvy on how to upload files, the plans were drawn with 3D Architect Deluxe 3.0 (WallyWorld $9.95, 2 years ago), I am able to export them to WMF fomat that seems to be viewable on my PC without additional software. If someone can give me some instruction on how to post them, I'd be happy to do so.

Thanx for the warm welcome! Thanx to S-Caper for your floorplans that helped determine some of my configuration! See you again when I can.
~(G)Q Arduously Avoiding Assimilation
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