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Old 12-31-2014, 12:29 AM   #1
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Join Date: Dec 2014
Posts: 8
OMG.! Big Thanks to Admins

1993 Carpenter. 72 passenger bull dog. Long story to insert here but I'll reserve that for a later time. My thanks to the Old Timers here. Without you I might have frozen to death last winter. The wood stove install was barely complete the day it dropped to -11 degrees here in Ohio. Thank you. Thank you. Wasn't intended to be my home but it worked out that way because one should never give up on their dreams... and I REFUSE to Quit.

As I said, it was a long, hard road to get there... Thank you. I will post some pics as soon as I get to that.

This is my second bus. My first one lies in a mud hole awaiting a miracle. It would be nice to retrieve it but more pressing matters await my attention. For now, I rely on that mudhole to keep her away from the scrap man while I manage things.

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Old 12-31-2014, 07:58 AM   #2
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Behind ever bus in a mud hole lies a story ;)
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Old 04-22-2015, 05:08 PM   #3
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Back to the bus...

If you ever want to make God laugh, tell him your plan(s). Four years ago I was told I needed a triple bypass. Since then I have been laid off of 3 "good jobs". I would take it personally if it weren't for the many others got the boot as well. My "plan" was to get a few things in order before I go & take on serious surgery. I intended to be back in to have it done in 4-6wks. Four years, three jobs and (God knows) everything else that went wrong along the way... but another layoff in June of 2014 and I was done. ("restructuring") LMAO WHAT fun??)

I decided to just take the unemployment this time and start scheduling doctor appointments. But no, that was too simple. Thanks to bad gas (I think) my van refused to run from 4 days after that June layoff until every single part of the fuel system was replaced or blown out. What a nightmare.!! Typically, the whole job COULD be done for $500-600 in a just weekend or even just one long day. Remember that overdue bypass? Took me FORVEVER.! Work 15min... break a half hour... repeat until done. add for bad weather. Add for all around town trips now accomplished by bicycle. Three of those trips were all day, 40+mi. excursions to my nearest Harbor Freight store. Back in the day a trip like that could be done before lunch time.

Fast forward to now & cardiac rehab. The official goal is 5hrs/wk on the bike or treadmill. (40-50miles by bike) Almost laughable to think that a week of rehab is roughly equal to those trips to Harbor Freight.

I've been out to visit the bus on several occasions since the surgery and it never ceases to amaze me. What a beautiful, massive project this is. In the course of events leading up to "D-Day" the bus was my housing, project, lifesaver, keeper of dreams, tool storage, my cat's home... my home. It had become everything I needed for two years.

Through all this "disruption of life" in the last couple of years I've spent much of my computer time looking at what my freind calls "Bus Por.n". Yes, that's right... Skoolies Dot Net were former school buses are stripped for their owners' delight and dreams. LMAO

For some of you "Old Timers" (relative to this site anyway) I thank you for helping people like me not look so crazy when we talk about buses, campers, life on the road, life without a road, freedom, self reliance, the brotherhood between people (whether bikers, campers, skoolies or other lesser known species). No truer words were ever spoken about brotherhood than to say, "IF I have to explain it you wouldn't understand." I think Washington.D.C. has much to learn in that arena.

This summer, I expect to complete the electrical, insulation as well as interior walls & partions. On the exterior I have a couple small spots to seal up and paint at least the top. She is currently blue and white. At first glance it would remind you of Rustoleum Blue but it's several shades darker. Almost a royal blue. (Skoolies uses a pic of one that's nearly an identical blue.) My bus is tentatively known as "Mir-Cat Manor" though subject to some sort of upgrade later. (Or not... LoL As is, I have 3 solar panels charging 2 31series standard batteries, a rather large wood stove, 2 kerosene heaters (used for quick heat while waiting on the stove to get up to speed), one cot, a small temporary dinette and a LOT of storage.

I have quite a few pics IF I can get my Android to give them up. The phone died last month and I think I had it set up to save pics and contacts on the Sim card rather than the phone "just in case of such an emergency". Kinda like Foghorn Leghorn keeping his feathers numbered... Just in case. I'm off to Best Buys to get a Sim card reader for the computer this weekend. Wish me luck.
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Old 04-22-2015, 07:04 PM   #4
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Originally Posted by Knight Rat View Post
If you ever want to make God laugh, tell him your plan(s). Four years ago I was told I needed a triple bypass. Since then I have been laid off of 3 "good jobs". I would take it personally if it weren't for the many others got the boot as well. My "plan" was to get a few things in order before I go & take on serious surgery. I intended to be back in to have it done in 4-6wks. Four years, three jobs and (God knows) everything else that went wrong along the way... but another layoff in June of 2014 and I was done. ("restructuring") LMAO WHAT fun??)

I decided to just take the unemployment this time and start scheduling doctor appointments. But no, that was too simple. Thanks to bad gas (I think) my van refused to run from 4 days after that June layoff until every single part of the fuel system was replaced or blown out. What a nightmare.!! Typically, the whole job COULD be done for $500-600 in a just weekend or even just one long day. Remember that overdue bypass? Took me FORVEVER.! Work 15min... break a half hour... repeat until done. add for bad weather. Add for all around town trips now accomplished by bicycle. Three of those trips were all day, 40+mi. excursions to my nearest Harbor Freight store. Back in the day a trip like that could be done before lunch time.

Fast forward to now & cardiac rehab. The official goal is 5hrs/wk on the bike or treadmill. (40-50miles by bike) Almost laughable to think that a week of rehab is roughly equal to those trips to Harbor Freight.

I've been out to visit the bus on several occasions since the surgery and it never ceases to amaze me. What a beautiful, massive project this is. In the course of events leading up to "D-Day" the bus was my housing, project, lifesaver, keeper of dreams, tool storage, my cat's home... my home. It had become everything I needed for two years.

Through all this "disruption of life" in the last couple of years I've spent much of my computer time looking at what my freind calls "Bus Por.n". Yes, that's right... Skoolies Dot Net were former school buses are stripped for their owners' delight and dreams. LMAO

For some of you "Old Timers" (relative to this site anyway) I thank you for helping people like me not look so crazy when we talk about buses, campers, life on the road, life without a road, freedom, self reliance, the brotherhood between people (whether bikers, campers, skoolies or other lesser known species). No truer words were ever spoken about brotherhood than to say, "IF I have to explain it you wouldn't understand." I think Washington.D.C. has much to learn in that arena.

This summer, I expect to complete the electrical, insulation as well as interior walls & partions. On the exterior I have a couple small spots to seal up and paint at least the top. She is currently blue and white. At first glance it would remind you of Rustoleum Blue but it's several shades darker. Almost a royal blue. (Skoolies uses a pic of one that's nearly an identical blue.) My bus is tentatively known as "Mir-Cat Manor" though subject to some sort of upgrade later. (Or not... LoL As is, I have 3 solar panels charging 2 31series standard batteries, a rather large wood stove, 2 kerosene heaters (used for quick heat while waiting on the stove to get up to speed), one cot, a small temporary dinette and a LOT of storage.

I have quite a few pics IF I can get my Android to give them up. The phone died last month and I think I had it set up to save pics and contacts on the Sim card rather than the phone "just in case of such an emergency". Kinda like Foghorn Leghorn keeping his feathers numbered... Just in case. I'm off to Best Buys to get a Sim card reader for the computer this weekend. Wish me luck.
Wow, welcome back

Your here for a reason....might as well be a skoolie ;)

Where you and the bus at?
Our build La Tortuga
Accept the challenges so that you can feel the exhilaration of victory.
George S. Patton
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